Why Plan Your Projects?


Confidence in what you should be doing, when we have all our options in one place we are constantly reminded of what we feel is most important. Motivation is simply a list of reasons why to do something, someone who isn’t motivated simply hasn’t found something worth doing yet.


Seeing the progress that you’ve made helps you see how your actions now affect the bigger picture, making the feedback of what is working more immediate.


Reduced resistance, or the subtle feeling easily becoming distracted because you are overwhelmed with information. By remembering that everything is in a system, you can begin to remember to forget the thoughts that you already written down, clearing your mind and reducing the anxiety of wondering what you are missing. Keep your mind open to new thoughts that haven’t been written down.


Reduces the complexity of the project. It is difficult to keep the all details of a project in your mind at the same time. Instead you can single-mindedly focus on a single task, and then jump between different levels of detail as everything is written out. Your project plan is your map of what you believe the territory is like out there, you can refer to it to remind you of what you envisioned, and you can update it as you explore more of it.


Always know what you should be working on, have the confidence to quickly drop distractions and interruptions by knowing exactly what you are working on, how long you think it will take, when it needs to be finished, and what is coming up next.


Break down a project as you go, get deeper into the details without losing your place above. Since your most important tasks are always kept on top, you can continuously work without breaking inspiration or flow looking for the next task to work on.


By comparing the estimates with how long things really took, you can find the skills that you are missing, the areas with the greatest room for improvement.


ROI prioritization keeps tasks continuously prioritized, and will drop the priority of tasks that have been updated to reflect incorrect estimates or impacts. Objectively see what makes the biggest impact towards the project, even if that means dropping something to start on a new opportunity. Make more rational effective decisions.